Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Meditation help:

Okay when I posted the meditation, I realize that hey not everyone (ie. me)

knows what the 4 heavenly kings, the shitenno, look like so here we are

some helpful visual aids. Remember this isn't some dogamatic thing where

they have to look like the pic, it's up to you and what works for you best!

Here's the king of the North :

pretty great, and the next is the king of the West

Now you get the idea, so that's enough.

Now for the fierce guardian deities who destroy spirits , here's Acala also

known as Fudo Myo
Fierce! I love those flames & now Ragaraja aka Aizen Myo:

Wow, even better, who would mess with you with these deities on your side! So

now let's get going with our meditation.

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